How Evothink Media is growing profits with dynamic AdX price floors

"Evothink Media was observing positive revenue changes every day and reported a two-digit increase in monthly AdX revenue. Besides improving revenue per ad request, Roxot Revenue Lift increased the number of ad requests going to Header Bidding."
— Fabien Michel-Langlet, Founder at Evothink Media
About Evothink Media
Evothink Media, a proud participant of the Coalition for Better Ads, is a network of the most visited content websites for the French-speaking users. The company owns and operates 8 properties generating hundreds of millions of programmatic impressions each month. Evothink Media unitizes a mix of organic and paid channels to grow their audience and works with 35+ monetization partners including Google AdExchange to successfully monetize the supply.
Evothink Media relies on Social Media channels in attracting new visitors to their websites. Paid campaigns are often a part of their user acquisition tactics. Media buying is costly and decreases publisher's profit. Evothink Media's team were actively developing new opportunities to grow their ad revenue and decrease costs.
Adding more demand via Header Bidding helped the team to increase revenue from the same amount of traffic. Evothink Media have been constantly testing new demand partners and choosing only the top-performing ones.

Despite Header Bidding has brought additional revenue, it hasn't affected Google AdX, the top-contributing revenue source for Evothink Media. The team still needed a solution to consistently increase its overall revenue and margin between traffic acquisition costs and ad revenue.
Evothink Media has been working with Roxot and using Roxot Prebid Analytics for a long time. The team confidently signed for Roxot Revenue Lift that automatically prices their inventory in Google AdX early after the product release. The installation took a couple of days and Evothink Media noticed results during the first two weeks of tests.

Evothink Media was observing positive revenue changes every day and reported a two-digit increase in monthly AdX revenue. Besides improving revenue per ad request, Roxot Revenue Lift increased the number of ad requests going to Header Bidding.

Results of dynamic AdX price floors

Additional AdX revenue
Roxot Revenue Lift managed to achieve a significant revenue uplift and dramatically improve revenue per ad request.
Improved margin
Evothink Media decreased the number of acquired traffic but grew the margin between media buying costs and ad revenue.
Both Header Bidding and AdX revenue grew
Some of the unfilled by AdX impressions were monetized by other SSPs inside Header Bidding.

Test how much additional revenue Roxot will generate you

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