For example, one of the most wide-spread strategies for uncovering the optimal ratio of CPM and number of impressions acquired is automated bid testing. The way it works is straight-forward: automated tools test bids based on user-defined bid increments, bid range, timeframe, and percentage of traffic. In practice, a buyer looks for the optimal ratio of price and amount of impressions inside a $0.05 - $2.00 bid range. She sets up automated bidders to test every bid in this range with $0.05 increments for 10 minutes, for 10% of auctions. In those 10 minutes, 40 different bids will be used to identify the one that generates the optimal number of impressions for the lowest price. The test result will be repeated during the next 10 minutes for 90% of auctions while the test repeats again on the remaining 10%. As a result, testing runs all the time adapting bidding strategies to market conditions every 10 minutes.